Griffon Bleu de Gascogne La base généalogique du Griffon Bleu de Gascogne
How to enter my dog?
First you have to register yourself. Your password is automatically sent by email. Then you can connect to create dogs.
Before you create a dog record or a kennel record, please verify that it is not already in the database.
I have forgotten my website name or my password. What can I do?
Send us an email, we send you back your connection information. Please send us your registration name (if you remember it) and the email address used for registration. Our email address is pedigree@setter-anglais.fr.
I registered myself but I have not received my password.
Your password is automatically sent by email. Please verify that the email is not marked as spam or blocked by ant-spam.
Please verify also that your email address is correct.
I can't modify my dog's data.
You can modify only records you have created.
- To add or modify data, please send un an amail with data, we register them.
- If your are the owner of the dog, contact us by email, we set you as the record owner.
How to create a dog record?
First, verify the dog is not already registred. Try different spellings, try the stud-book number.
In the creation form, you have to enter the dog name (without the kennel name). Then search the kennel, enter the stud-book number. If the kennel is not in the database, you can create it.
Enter parents. If they are not in the database, you have to create them. But be sure that they are not in the database to create them. Then complete what you have recorded.
How to use photo galleries?
You can add picture for every dog in the database, even if you are not the creator of the record. You simply have to be registered and connected.
What is "coefficient of inbreeding"?
The inbreeding is computed as a percentage of chances for two alleles to be identical by descent (
source wikipedia).
We compute the coefficient over 8 generations, and we display the contribution of each dog. More information
[ here ] ...
What is the "Italian breeding"?
We walk over 8 generation to find the number Italian ancestors and compute the percentage of Italian origins. English Setter only.
How to use the "virtual mating"?
First, verify that sire and dam are in the database. If not, create them (
see help paragraph).
Once you have seleced sire and dam, click on the "visualize" button toi generate the family tree.
Use the "link" field to share the
page (email or website).
What is the "points of pedigree"?
Points of pedigree is a quotation used by the French Setter Club.
It is the sum of the points of each ancestor in the pedigree.
Trialer |
Champion |
Busca Bonus |
Dog |
8 |
16 |
6 |
Parents (generation 1) |
4 |
8 |
3 |
Grand Parents (generation 2) |
2 |
4 |
2 |
generation 3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
When an ancestor (or the dog itself)
has a title (trialer or champion) in Grand Busca, add the Grand Busca bonus.
How add a video
Simply add the link to the youtube page of the video or the Facebook link to the video.
You have more questions? You need more answers? Contact us by email: basepedigree@gmail.com.